Companies to watch post COVID!

How will our society continue to change in a post COVID world? Will we work, shop, socialise and vacate the same as before? 

In this post, we’re going to explore which companies have adapted and which are/will continue to thrive post COVID. 

1. ZOOM (obviously)

This one should be obvious. Who hasn’t been on Zoom at least once throughout lockdown? Whether it’s for work, live streaming or just socialising. Zoom has seen itself catapulted into the mainstream and it’s stock prices sore. 

But, is all this growth short-term?. We don’t think so…

Zoom has now had over 300 million daily ‘active’ users. To put this into perspective, Microsoft ‘Teams’ (one of Zooms closest competitors) announced they were seeing 200 million daily users back in April.

Zoom has used lockdown to prove themselves to be incredibly simple, priding itself on its distinctive ease of use – compared to other platforms such as Google ‘Meets’. This is an extremely valuable commodity. Especially, when there are billions of people trying to connect with one another… consistently. 

As workplaces start to move towards a more ‘hybrid’ model – with the advantages being made clear during COVID (no commute, savings on office space, increased efficiencies and the environmental benefits). Zoom will continue to thrive. 

We can see them trying to create a new market. Specialising in ‘digital working environments’. Focusing on core elements of the virtual workspace. An all-in-one operating system for businesses. They could even go down the social media route and adapt into a virtual hub for professionals or even entertainment. The possibilities of growth and revenue streams are simply endless…


If you haven’t heard of Fiverr. Get to know them. They’re on track to become the biggest marketplace for freelancers. 

As our working environments and habits change. Fiverr has been vital to supporting those looking to add extra revenue streams. It’s even provided some with a full-time income. 

Whether it’s a web designer, animator or digital marketer. You can find close to anything you need with well over 300 freelance categories alone to chose from. Fiverr is the place to be with secure transactions, messaging and even digital working forums.  

Freelancers contribute to over 5% to Americas GDP alone. As more people search for a work-life balance, along with our changing work habits, promoting your skills and adding an extra income stream will soon become the norm.

We believe the ‘Gig Economy’ will see mass adoption over the next few years with Fiverr leading the way for freelancers. Since last year, their stock price has grown over 800% (as of writing this article) with COVID-19 boosting their value dramatically. 


A very controversial company with a history of poor management considering it’s young age. WeWork certainly raises eyebrows.  

WeWork has done a rather fine job as promoting itself as a ‘tech company’. But, it is still largely considered a real estate business – as it’s main source of income is renting ‘work’ spaces. 

WeWork has managed to create much hype and a community like feel around their business. Similar to that of AirBnb in some ways – certainly at one point in time. They provide ultra modern work spaces, designs, security and cleanliness to their buildings for budding entrepreneurs in 111 cities throughout the world.

All you have to do is simply download the app and begin a flexible short-term lease for your business. Along with all the must haves such as internet. You also get the added benefits of; drinks, food, game tables and security. All while being in an environment that’s surrounded with like minded people.  

With more businesses starting to take a hybrid approach to work spaces and cutting office costs. Companies such as WeWork could fill potential demand and provide rather unique work spaces at a fraction of the operational cost…

DISCLAIMER: Please note that we have and do own stock in some of the companies listed. This article is not financial advice.

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